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where are the giants that were here mountains among mountains shadows of the sun   those that told of the flowers petals that cut through grey that said in the brightest of emptied evenings filled with coffee and booze that you cannot live all the lives you wanted that saw see me so small when … Continue reading


wrapped in your arms, why can’t i feel you? maybe because it was in the sweat of summer when i first saw ice. it stood solid on a table, indifferent, cooling a fish that was long passed the hope of water. the air was thick with smoke, with the thoughts of how it will always … Continue reading

colour dye

what is this useless bleeding? love is my wound, so it can’t be so bad right. you said this was wrong, that i promised never to write the break up poem, that this must be composed and decomposed in broken parts, that it is written in a language i don’t know how to speak yet, … Continue reading


how can it be morning when tonight is yet to be written? you’re there where the space of last night grows soft and still drifts. the waves whispered that i should do this, i can do this, i have not done this like the many things, will i pet that dog, need i pet a … Continue reading


tell me about you. i have made a lot of mistakes but i am still perfect. i work a little, am paid a little less, i am worth millions. not dollars, memories, moments where you tell someone else they are not that other person, where there is enough drink and no hangover. where there is … Continue reading


take me to that great date spot, that place that is warm and probably expensive and that no one knows quite yet, including you, that area inside where those childhood memories of sitting sunlight and strawberry winters stay, where there is the punchline of a joke you memorized to tell to the right people, where … Continue reading

salv oj

is it the sad water of yesterday or the lack of it in today’s hydration that has me hung over the curl of a question mark in reverse, telling myself i’ll go on because i must, because i have been doing it this well this whole time. but i pause. what does it mean to … Continue reading

a conversation

Dear you, Yesterday it was our anniversary. This morning we spoke on the phone. There is a mess of you everywhere inside of me. With striking clarity I remember the fireworks that blew up the sky above us, the sky that for at least that night, that moment belonged to us – only us. But … Continue reading

the fallen

the following is small but huge and still, somehow, average. * she left not because you weren’t enough but because she wanted less of you   you were abundance the sun a lake summer   but winter always arrives


the following is the aftermath of promising to never do poetry again. the following is also not poetry. * when was the last time you stopped measuring the length of now the instant between when things were figured out and when they were not how often you would say um not for a filler but … Continue reading