

This tag is associated with 23 posts

when is thursday

it is the apocalypse though it is only tuesday   feet sloppy with sweat standing pajamas slinking at five thirty three pm   there is an infant yelling behind me there is always an infant yelling behind me   arms slope with booze i should’ve gotten a shopping cart it was busy i was going … Continue reading


you will want to mention the joke to the barmaids at the counter where people you grew up with have slobbered onto the worn wood made from trees nearby when the forest was cut down and the school was moved and the joke was first said on a day very much like today with the … Continue reading


the following is following is * give me me that bad body that’ll pick up when wiping out of my mom’s vacant room where the darkness is too blinding and the light has been known to tip the cold with a twin that wants to save his soul left there in the place of death … Continue reading

b years

i am not drunk look it’s just that the flowers hold no colours for night leaving loneliness to bloom with those things left still unsaid since the time of creation where even then in closed eyed nothingness i missed you and couldn’t see you growing up into that beautiful woman who would ask more questions … Continue reading

three feet under means nothing to me, a canadian

i am at the bar where jack kerouac was supposed to frequent trying to keep the dead man alive but i am beat a bit constipated with no toilet paper to wipe away the myth of what i ate on the road and it is raining outside leaving me dry and bamboozled against the flowing … Continue reading

my own i

i want to be yours only after i am mine * you’ll need something to take off the edge and when it goes with drugs with drinks with draining you will remain for that is all something is about anyways you and you and you drugged drunk drained needing more you to feel like you … Continue reading

july always

that great june light that throats summer into a call of plants gobbling and bugs that coo only for a ravenous month and mouth that’ll ruin the harvest in fall but now rests among the wave of yellow that sees me aiming for another planet with my piss drunk and hollering that i’ll water the … Continue reading

from from

to the brother i will never be to the cousin i never was to the janitor that i might’ve been if my brother wasn’t so close with his cousins there are stories i need to tell you like there is still a thing in nothing or so my father clicked after a ninth playing inside … Continue reading

new fish burgers

Dry in Wendy’s being told she never existed by a man who didn’t till now when he needed a few dollars to get a fish burger that slapped around into his mouth where he said any path is home to ghosts because they pull at you, the millions of people you couldda met and couldda … Continue reading

act(ion) positively

every time i drink i am reminded of why i hate drinking which makes me drink more and become hate re-minded: an every time drunk * fiction creates a universe poetry is one * let it be known that your existence is a revolutionary act of resistance for to change it all all of it … Continue reading